Have a Pay Inequity Story to Tell?

CEW is helping the American Association of University Women collect stories about the gender pay gap. These stories will be shared with Michigan legislators to help put a human face on the problem. AAUW is working to pass pay equity bills at the state level.

If you have a story to share, submit it before April 12th. Your story can be anonymous if you need it to be. Create a video (MP4), or post your story using YouTube, Facebook, a blog, or Twitter (hashtag: #miredchair), then send it by email to [email protected].

Watch this short video to learn more about the Red Chair Story campaign in Michigan:

Then register to attend the April 12th Pay Equity Day training and rally in Lansing. Or wear red that day and post a picture of your campus event promoting pay equity. Go to https://www.facebook.com/MIequalpay to learn more!
