Gloria Martinez-Ramos

“Janice invited me to participate in a leadership conference for women of color (WCTF conference), and I appreciated her for including me. She saw how I needed support and community. CEW+ has always made me feel welcome and validated my experiences.”  

As a PhD graduate student in Sociology, Dr. Martinez came to CEW+ for counseling and professional guidance on how to adapt to graduate school. CEW+ also helped her financially by awarding a critical difference grant (now called an emergency fund grant) to help pay for childcare and editing assistance as she was writing her dissertation.

As she looks back at her time at U-M, she is grateful for the many people who helped her as a student at U-M, but CEW+ and Janice Reuben stand out. Dr. Martinez shared, “Janice invited me to participate in a leadership conference for women of color (WCTF conference), and I appreciated her for including me. She saw how I needed support and community. CEW+ has always made me feel welcome and validated my experiences.

Dr. Martinez graduated from U-M in 2005 with a PhD in Sociology. After graduation, she accepted a tenure-track position at Texas State University in San Marcos, TX in the sociology department. Dr. Martinez has been a professor for 15 years and was tenured in 2012 with promotion to full professor in 2017. She is currently the Director of the Latina/o Studies Minor program and will begin her new position as Director of the Center for Diversity and Gender Studies.

Congratulations, Dr. Martinez, and forever Go Blue!